Buy Latisse online.

It helps lengthen, thicken and darken eyelashes.


LatisseIt is safe and effective for natural growth of eyelashes. Consult your eye

The Food and Drug Administration US (FDA for its acronym in English) recently approved the use of a drug available with a prescription called “Latisse” (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution 0.03%), to help lengthen, thicken and darken eyelashes.

Latisse It is presented in a vial with 3 ml of solution and 60 disposable applicators.


It contains: sterile solution of 0.03% bimatoprost. Benzalkonium chloride 0.05 mg / ml. excipients cs


Latisse® is indicated for the treatment of hypotrichosis increasing eyelash growth in length and thickness and making darker.

Posology1 time every night, place one drop of LATISSE® on sterile disposable applicator supplied with the product and uniformly applied along the skin over the upper eyelid at the base of the eyelashes.

Contraindications: Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to bimatoprost or any other component of the formulation.

Precautions: LATISSE® is intended to be used only on the skin of the upper eyelid margin at the base of the eyelashes. Do not apply on the lower eyelids.

Latisse It is a safe and effective procedure for the natural growth of eyelashes and treatment of ciliary hipotricosis.

If you have an eye condition, or if you have questions or concerns about your eye health and Latisse, consult your eye who can evaluate it to make sure it is a good candidate for Latisse.

The information on this product is only a summary and does not cover all the information about this product.
(The product image may vary)

Consult the package leaflet before use.

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